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Growing Baby Care Essentials
This set is a beautiful selection of our gentle baby care products. With organic Calendula extract to give support naturally to your baby as they grow.
A great gift idea for parents - this set is specifically designed to meet baby's needs.
Calendula is an important active ingredient because of it's skin calming properties.
The Growing Baby Care Essentials Set includes:
Calendula Shampoo & Body Wash
Baby's delicate hair and skin gets the perfect balance of cleansing moisture and the kindest care.
Baby Teething Powder
For the relief of the discomfort and restlessness of teething in babies and children. Helps to calm and soothe.
Childrens Tooth Gel
Get children into good tooth-care habits with our pleasant tasting non-fluoride toothpaste, especially for first teeth.
See individual products for ingredients and how to use.